NEW POLL – what tags would you like to see on our stories?

What tags would you like to see on our stories? CLARIFICATION – When I originally posted this I think my dear readers got the wrong idea. The poll is what you want to be WARNED about before reading a story – not what you would like to see.
~ the Ruling Management
Sombra and I would like to tag his chronicles for the additional ease of reading (also to defer to our slaves comfort zones, though his Highness would never admit to that without much grumbling). So if you came here to read stories or end up reading them, please fill out our ongoing poll to help us discern what you would like to see as far as warnings. We thank you in advance!
[poll id=”2″]
A couple of thoughts:
Alternative Universe – aren’t all Hail King Sombra stories in an alternate universe. I would think this is a tag for the account, not for the stories in the account.
Equestria Girls? There’s going to be Equestria Girls? Send me a notification.
Isn’t non-consensual sex and rape the same thing?
Aren’t mine control and bondage two different things? These should be separate tags.
He’s it, I vote for Pip!