The #kingsombraiscoming Project

In the rush to get this out, I want to say…
hi all! Since I’ve gotten a few new followers on FIMFiciton from my resurgence in story writing, I wanted to take a moment to update everyone on what I’m about and what’s been going on with me, especially before the final season series premiere of My Little Pony later this morning. This will help explain my 7-month long silence, why I’m back and what my wonderful new followers can expect of me in the next month and for the future.
Right now at 3:45 am local time I am typing away frantically to get this blog post done so I can jump right back into storytelling. That is what I am first and foremost in my heart and soul – a storyteller.
Life hasn’t cooperated this last year…
Since last October I have been seeing a new chiropractor and my life has been absolutely – as the British say, “tits up”, ever since. Now that we are working on neck traction to get some serious postural problems corrected in my spine, it has touched off a whirlwind of changes in my life like a stone dropped into a pond. The ripples have spread outward and while they were slow in the preparation stages of my treatments, now they are far enough along that my brain’s multitasking and energy levels are fast and far outstripping my body’s ability to keep up with what is realistically a new lease on my life.
This is important for me to share because of many, many reasons – too many and far too complicated (like my character Nyx) to get into in this one blog post. I’ll deal with them in the future.
As to my plans for the future, as of right now, they – again like Nyx – are multidimensional. I have gotten back to writing, and in a big way. Will this change because this is the last season of My Little Pony? Eventually, yes, when the stories I have to tell about King Sombra and all my original characters (OCs) are done. Will they change before I lose my passion for writing again, if that ever happens? Only if the neck traction treatments I am undergoing are harsher on my body than I can handle. To be honest, there is a 50% chance they might be so hard to get adjusted to that I would end up taking a break from writing due to physical reasons. That has been happening A LOT since lat October. It just can’t be helped.
It doesn’t mean anyone (or anypony) should give up on seeing me write again. I’ve been writing off and on since the 5th grade. There was a loooooong period where I DIDN’T write because I was immature and under so much stress growing up that at the time I had no idea it was what I was meant to do. But, as I have done over the past 53 years, I’ve always returned to it like Nyx returns to King Sombra every single time, no matter where she gets lost in time and space.
The Drama Free Zone
I have one hard, fast rule about my blog posts, dear readers, and that is I NEVER SNIPE ABOUT OTHER FIMFIC WRITERS. You will NEVER have to worry about that in any material I produce on the website or on my FIMFic profile or in both ‘sites story archives. It is a true safe zone where even if you are a troll or a jerk in my comments, I have the tact and maturity to call you out a being a jerk ONCE, then after that you are banned – period. This keeps my readers trust that I am true to my cutie mark which includes a book and quill, amongst other things. I am here to write and make friends and collect artwork and sources to fanfic and artwork PERIOD. If I even saw a Drama Lama, I would SHOOT IT ON SIGHT.
One Last Word…
…cause I missed the goddamn deadline of getting this out before the episode, but all you fans are still watching the beginning of part two, so you are probably not reading this yet – unless you’re time shifting it like me. So…stick around if you like good writers (hey, my fans said that, not me, but I have seen improvement over these past magical years I’ve spent in Sombraland). I will deliver and treat you with respect and give critiques and do the occasional proofread for you if I have time. I will make it worth us being friends.
Promise! And remember to always
Hail King Sombra!
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