Category: What the Hell did I just see?
You know how you see something and your brain goes, “What the Hell did I just see?”. Yeah. Here. That’s what this section is about. Shit so WEIRD you just can’t wrap your head around it.
Don’t Watch a Cartoon Called My Little Pony
Heh, I had almost the same reaction when my HUSBAND started watching it. Then the succubus ate my soul too. MrPoniator, you are a consummate asshole. I think I love you.
Downvoting stories without reading them – quality control or prejudice?
Okay, normally it takes a very special FIMFic story to move me to go the extra step of upvoting or downvoting stories. Askre and I have talked about this subject a few times outside of FIMFiction, but in the context …
Downvoting stories without reading them – quality control or prejudice? Read more »
Still More Fucked Up Favorites – DWK confronts Rarity’s fear of aging in his Totally Legit Recap: “Forever Filly” Season 7 Episode 6
With only an amphetamine-hopped up ASSistant and no fainting couch available, Clothes Horse Rarity waxes oblivious to the fact her sister Sweetie Belle is in that phase that destroys parents and schoolteachers alike – the tweenage years! It wouldn’t be …
DWK rapes our fond memories of tweenagehood in his Totally Legit Recap of “On Your Marks” Season 6 Episode 4
The CMC take time out from staring at their asses, er, brand new cutie marks to dump each other’s company just because they’ve achieved the common goal that brought them together in the first place. Sound like your move from …
King Sombra Ruins Bronycon
…and he ruins this Friday as well by interrupting the regularly schedule video by the Master of Fannish Autism Analysis, DWK. Hey, let’s not be too harsh on Sombra’s crystal ass, today is the start of Gallifrey One after all, …
Fucked Up Favorites – DWK’s Takedown of “Stranger Than Fan Fiction”
Once again it’s time for more YouTube videos that amuse our King with one of my personal Fucked Up Favorites – DWK’s Takedown of “Stranger Than Fan Fiction”. Oh and I have been informed that calling you all “motherfuckers” was …
Fucked Up Favorites – DWK’s Takedown of “Stranger Than Fan Fiction” Read more »
There’s a what..?!?
It was a day like any other in the Crystal Castle. Breakfast came and went, meetings were attended to, delegates from other lands had their time in court with the Empire’s King. The Empire’s King had his time with the …